Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction.....................................IX CHAPTER I WHAT SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT MEANS TO AMERICA’S INDUSTRIAL POSITION . . . 3-20 Meaning, Scope, Aims and Methods of Scientific Management........................................3 Relative of Idustrial Growth to Progress and Main- tenance ..........................................5 Increasing Likeness Between all Countries . . 7 Need for Intensive Study of Causes of Supremacy . 8 Necessity for Conservation of Materials and Human Element.........................................9 Present Lack of Standardization..................12 Place of Laboratory Research in Motion, Time and Fatigue Study..................................15 Resctlting Laws for Handling the Human Element 17 Scientific Management a Conserve« of the Human Element and a Creator of Co-operation .... 17 Progressive Stages in Co-operation...............19 America’s Supremacy Depends on her Conservation AND Co-OPEEATION...............................19 America’s Need of Adopting Scientific Management 20 CHAPTER II UNITS, METHODS, AND DEVICES OF MEASURE- MENT UNDER. SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT . 21-40 Functions of Scientific Management and Theib Re- lations .........................................21 Contrast Between Military and Scientific Manage- ment ............................................21 Outline of Scientific Management.................22 Division Betw’een Planning and Performing ... 22 The Planning Department..........................23 xiii