Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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xiv CONTENTS PAGE The Performing Department........................24 Co-operation as a Result of Functionalization . . 29 Advantages to the Worker.........................33 Needs for Units, Methods and Devices of Measure- ment ............................................34 Place of Motion Study and Time Study in Measure- ment .........................................34 Size of Unit to be Measubed......................35 Selection of Device..............................36 Results of Measurement...........................37 Benefits to Worker...............................39 Need fob Co-operation to Avoid Wasteful Repetition 40 CHAPTER III MOTION STUDY AS AN INDUSTRIAL OPPOR- TUNITY .................................. 41-56 Waste from Inefficient Motions and Their Fatigue 41 Importance of Waste Elimination..................41 Delay in Appreciating Human Element..............41 Motion Study as an Eliminator of Human Waste . . 42 Examples of Motion Economy.......................42 Definition of Motion Study.......................43 Units, Methods and Devices of Motion Study ... 44 The Cost Element................................44 Micbomotion Study...............................45 The Cyclegraph Method...........................46 Derivation of Standard Method...................47 Results of Motion Study.........................48 Thinking in Elementaby Motions..................49 Benefits to Workers..........................,r*() Betterment of Industrial Selection.............. Relation to School .............................^2 Effect on Society............................... Relation to Education.........................'r*g Reclassification and Standardization of Trader . . 53 Need for National Bureau of Standards...........»5 Motion Study the Great Industrial Opportunity of This Country.................................. CHAPTER. IV MOTION STUDY AND TIME STUDY INSTRU- MENTS OF PRECISION........................07-72 Slow Appreciation of Waste from Useless Motions 57