Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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CONTENTS xvii Need fob Co-operation......................^44 Discussion........................... * ’ CHAPTER VIII THE PRACTICE OF SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT 158-186 Relation of Scientific Management to Practice . . 158 IlEQUISITIES OF EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT............159 Necessity for Insuring Right Workng Conditions . 159 Benefits to Employees.......................... 162 The Adequate and Satisfying Wage * 162 Regularity of Employment.....................* ’ 103 Efficient Placement...................’ ’ ’ ’ Opportunity for Advancement 165 Teaching.............................’ ’ * ' ‘ 167 Effect on Fatigue.................. ’ lßg Decrease of Monotony....................* " 174 Confusion Between “Habitual” and “Monot- onous ”........................................ 17g Benefits of Habit...............................179 Monotony Versus Interest ’ iso Provision for Mental Stimulus 183 Universal Benefit of Pbactice of Scientific Manage- ment ...........................................185 CHAPTER IX THE THREE POSITION PLAN OF PROMOTION 187-201 Importance of Adequate Promotion.............187 Relation of Placement to Promotion...........188 Description of Three Position Plan of Promotion . 189 Place of Master Promotion Chart..............190 Industrial Promotion Charts or “Fortune Sheets” . 191 Provision for Those Who Reach “Ultimate” Posi- tions ........................................... Transformation of “Blind Alley” Jobs .... 196 Place of the “ Godfather ” or “ Bio Brother ”... 197 Results of Three Position Plan...............198 Benefits to Employment Manager 199 Relation of Success to Underlying Desibe to Co-oper- ATE..........................................201