Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness
Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth
År: 1918
Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.
Sted: London
Sider: 220
UDK: 658.54 Gil
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The Workman.—As for the individual worker,
it will be seen that he does not receive merely an
instruction card, telling him by units what he is
to do, how he is to do it, how fast he is expected
to do it, the prescribed quality of the work which
must be done, and how much pay over and above
his usual day’s wages he will surely get if he does
all that is called for on his instruction card. He
receives also personal teaching. The gang boss
acts as his teacher constantly; the speed boss he
can call on at all times to assist him with the
speeds; the repair boss co-operates with him to
see that his machine is constantly kept in such re-
pair that he can earn his bonus, and the inspector
will also teach him at any time, and show him
wherein he is making a deviation from the quality
called for. Moreover, the functional foremen in
the planning department are ready, at call, to ex-
plain their instructions. Thus he has every help
that is possible, to enable him to earn the excep-
tionally high wages that are offered by this form
of management. He is assured of the “ square
deal ” from the foremen who are over him, and
in case others whose work affects his are deviat-
ing from their measurable schedules, pro-