Applied Motion Study
A Collection Method to industrial Preparedness

Forfatter: L.M. Gilbreth, Frank B. Gilbreth

År: 1918

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 220

UDK: 658.54 Gil

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58 APPLIED MOTION STUDY meats that are made. There are three elements to every measurement: 1. The unit measured. 2. The method of measurement. 3. The device by which the measurement is made. It is here our aim to show the development of the devices of measurement, that is, of instru- ments of precision that apply to one branch of the new type of management, namely, to motion study and its related time study. The fundamental idea of the new type of man- agement that has been variously called “ Scien- tific Management,” or “Measured Functional Management/’ is that it is based upon the results of accurate measurement. This fundamental idea has been derived as follows: Each opera- tion to be studied is analysed into the most ele- mentary units possible. These units are ac- curately measured, and, as the results of the measurement, the efficient units only are com- bined into a new method of performing the work that is worthy to become a standard. Dr. Taylor, the great pioneer in time study, and his co-worker, Mr. S. E. Thompson, have