The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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210 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Maittaire, Michael, 1668-1747. L655.1 F3 37135 Annales typographici . . . Opera Mich. Maittaire A.M. Hagæ- Comitum, 1719-1741. 5 vol. in 9. 28x2icm. Contents. —Tom. i. Ab artis inventae origine ad annum M.D. [12], 388 p. front, (port.) Hagae-Comitum, I. Vaillant, 1719.—Tom. 2-3. Ab anno M.D. ad annum M.D.LVH. 2 vol. in 4. Hagae-Comitum, Fratres Vaillant et N. Prevost, 1722-1725.— [Tom. 4. Ann. typ. ab artis inv. orig. ad a. m.d.lxiv. T. i (iv). in 2 part. Ed. II. Amst. 1733.] Tom. 5. Annalium typographicorum tomus quintus et ultimus; in tomus quatuor præeuntes complectens. 2 vol. Londini, G. Darres & C. Du Bose, 1741. The author states in the preface of tom. 5 that tom. 4, intended by the author as a supplement to tom. 1, was called by the publisher, without the author’s knowledge, “Tom i. Ed. ii,” as if it superseded the first edition. Some copies are called tom. 4. Some copies of tom. 5 seem also to be called tom. 4. Tom. 2, pars 2, has no title-page. Tom. 1(4). Editionova. 1733, missing; entry taken from Græsse. Mallinckrodt, Bernhard von, 1591-1664. 655.11 Ei 76988 De ortv ac progressv artis typographieæ. Dissertatio historica, in qva præter alia pleraque ad calcographices negocivm spectantia de avctoribvs et loco inuentionis præcipue inquiritur, proqve Mo- gvntinis contra Harlemenses concluditur: a Bernardo a Mallin- krot .... Coloniæ Agrippinæ, apud I. Kinchivm, 1640. [2, 4], 125, [ll] p. 20cm. Added t.-p. engr., dated 1639. Enumerates no “avetores, qvi pro Mogvntinis testantvr; ” 13 “avetores qvi pro Har- lemensibus testantur;” 11 “dvbii et ambigvi qvi Harlemensium meminerunt.” Reissued in Wolf’s Monumenta typographica, Hamburgi, 1740, pars prima, p. 547- 812. [Marchand, Prosper], ca. 1675-1756. L655.u1 F2 57396 Histoire de l’origine et des premiers progres de 1’imprimerie. La Haye, Vve Le Vier, et P. Paupie, 1740. 2 pts. in 2 vol. front., illus. 2Öix2icm. Published anonymously. Meisner, Heinrich, & Luther, Johannes. L655.11 Qooi 2 39,4 Die Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst. Zum fünfhundertsten Geburtstage Johann Gutenbergs. [2],! 16 p. 100 il. 1 por. 14 facsim. Q. [Monographien zur Weltgeschichte, vol. II.] Bielefeld: Velhagen & Klasing, 1900. “Auszug aus der wichtigsten Litteratur,” p. in. Ottley, William Young. L655.11 J400 18234 An inquiry concerning the invention of printing: in which the systems of Meerman, Heinecken, Santander, and Koning are re- viewed; including also notices of the early use of wood-ingraving in Europe, the block books, etc. With an introduction by J. Ph. Berjeau. xlii,37/ p. il. 34 pl. 4 facsim. sq.Q. London: J. Lilly 1863. The frontispiece is an extra illustration.