The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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PRINTING—INVENTION 211 Panzer, Georg Wolfgang Franz, 1729-1805. L016.093 P19 37974 Annales typographic! ab artis inventae origine ad annum MD post Maittairii, Denisii aliorumque doctissimorum virorum curas in ordinem redacti emendati et aucti opera Georgii Vvolfgangi Pan- zer ... . Volumen primum- [undecimum]. Norimbergae, im- pensis J. E. Zeh, 1793-1803. II VOl. 25ix2Icra. Vol. 6-11 title reads: Annales typographic! ab anno mdi ad annum MDXXXVI continu- ati ... . Contents. — Ab artis inventae origine ad annum md: vol. 1-3; suppiementum: vol. 4, p. 215-462, 484-500; vol. 9, p. 197-308; vol. 11, p. 309-350. —Ab anno mdi ad annum MDXXXVI: vol. 6-9, p. 104; suppiementum: vol. 9, p. 341-vol. 10, p. 56; vol. 11, p. 351— 539- — Libri cum nota anni at sine indicio loci et typographi, — MD: vol. 4, p. 1-74, 462- 467; vol. 9, p. 308-314; —MDI—MDXXXVI: vol. 9, p. 105-160.— Libri indicio anni, loci, et typographi destituti, — md: vol. 4, p. 75-214, 468-483; vol. 9, p. 314-340; —mdi- mdxxxvi : vol. 9, p. 161-196; vol. 11, p. 540. — Index primus bibliographicus secun- dum ordinem alphabeti: vol. 5, p. 1-464; vol. IO, p. 57-vol. 11, p. 200; vol. II, p. 541-607. — Index secundus urbium et typographorum alphabeticus: vol. 5, p. 465- 496: vol. 11, p. 201-234, 607-613. —Index tertius typographorum juxta ipsorum prae- nomina et cognomina alphabeticus: vol. 5, p. 497-566: vol. 11, p. 235-308. — Index fontium: vol. 11, p. 614-630. — Emendanda et corrigenda: vol. 11, p. 631-639. Pollard, Alfred William, 1859- Lo 17.745 A615 77169 Catalogue of books mostly from the presses of the first printers, showing the progress of printing with movable metal types through the second half of the fifteenth century. Collected by Rush C. Hawkins, catalogued by Alfred W. Pollard, and deposi- ted in the Annmary Brown Memorial at Providence, Rhode Is- land. Oxford, printed at the University Press, at the cost of Gen- eral R. C. Hawkins, 191 o. xxxv, 339 p. front. 29^ x 22^cm. With this: A list of books printed in the fifteenth century in the John Carter Brown Library and the general library of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Oxford, printed at the University Press, iqio. 19 p. 29^ X 22icm. Quantin, Albert. L655.1 N700 96284 Les orgines de I’imprimerie et son introduction en Angleterre par A. Quantin, d’apres de recentes publications anglaises. Paris, A. Quantin et cie, 1877. [4], 70, [2] p. 29X2Ocm. No. 230 of a limited edition of 275 copies. Contents.— I. Premiers essais d’imprimerie. Inclinable.—2. Haarlem et Laurent Coster. —3. Mayence et Jean Gutenberg. — 4. Faust et Schoeffer. — 5. William Caxton.