The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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____ _________ . _____ _______ FUEL 299 [Rideal, Charles F .] 662.2 R202 >02467 The hist-ory of the E. I. Du Pont de Nemours Powder Company; a century of success. New York, Business America, [CI912]. [4], 224 p. illus, (incl. ports., facsims.) 23icm. By Charles F» Rideal and Albert W. Atwood. Rise. L662.2 Q901 31132 The rise and progress of the British explosives industry. Pub- lished under the auspices of the Vllth International Congress of Applied Chemistry by its Explosives Section. London, New York, Whittaker and Co., 1909. xiv, 418, [2] p. incl. front., illus., ports. 25ixi9cm. Half-title illus. Editor: E. A. Brayley Hodgetts. “Bibliography,” p. 170-179. Romocki, S J von. L662.2 P501 39938 .... Geschichte der Explosivstoffe. I-[11]_______ 1895-1896. Vol. 1-2. 25ic,n. At head of title: S. J. von Romocki. Contents. — i. Geschichte derSprengstoffchemie, der Sprengtechnik und des Torpedo- wesens bis zum Beginn der neuesten Zeit. Mit einer Einführung von Dr. Max Jähns, ... . Mit vielen Reproduktionen von alten Handschriften, Malereien, Stichen u. s. w. Ber- lin, R. Oppenheim, 1895. [8], 394, [2] p. front, (port.), 92 illus, incl. diagrs. — 2. Die rauchschwachen Pulver in ihrer Entwickelung bis zur Gegenwart. Mit vielen Ab- bildungen. Hannover, Gebrüder Jänecke, 1896. xi, 324 p. front, (port.), 48 diagr. No more published. Sprengel, Hermann Johann Philipp, 1834- 662.2 Q203 44328 discovery of picric acid (melinite, lyddite) “as a powerful explosive” and of cumulative detonation with its bearing on wet guncotton, by Hermann Sprengel, .... Second edition_______ London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1903. 56 p. front, (port.), 4 facsims. 22cm. ________ -------. Appendix to Sprengel’s Discovery .... (1871.) Lon- don, 1903. 16 p. 22cm. Bound together. The author has in order to uphold “the principle of priority,” brought together a number of “articles and notes which have appeared ... at different times in various journals and publications”. Also “a number of letters not hitherto published”. 662. 6 History of fuel Escard, Jean. L553 Q601 83.34 Le carbone et son Industrie, par Jean Escard, ... . Paris, H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1906. xviii, 763 p. 129 illus. 26cm. “Bibliographie” at end of each chapter.