The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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3oo BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Liebel, Fridolin. 330-53 2 v.114 Die wiirttembergische Torfwirtschaft; eine wirtschaftsgeschicht- 102468 liehe Studie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Oberschwabens nach den Ergebnissen einer Privaterhebung, von Fridolin Liebel ... . Stuttgart und Berlin, J. G. Cotta, 1911. viii, 288 p. inch tables, fold, table. 23°™. (Zw Münchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien .... 114. Stück.) “Quellen,” p. [2873-288. Nicolls, William Jasper. 553-23 P700 12203 Thg story of American coals. 405 p. 1 pl. O. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1897. Thorpe, [Thomas Edward], editor. 553.2 N800 12125 Coal: its history and uses. By Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Riicker, and Marshall. xii,3Ö3 p. il. O. London: Macmillan & Co., 1878. Con tents: 1-2. The geology of coal. 3. Coal plants. 4. Animals of the coal meas- ures. 5-6. The chemistry of coal. 7. Coal as a source of warmth. 8. Coal as a source of power. 9-10. The coal question. 663 .2 History of wine growing and the wine trade Bassermann-Jordan, Friedrich. L663.2 Q602 69356 Geschichte des Weinbaus unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bayerischen Rheinpfalz. Von Dr. Friedrich Bassermann-Jordan. Mit 140 Textilhistrationen und 20 Tafeln. Erster-[dritter] Band. Frankfurt am Main, H. Keller, 1907. 3 vol. illus. 3Ocm. Paged continuously; vol. i: [io], 350 p. front., 8 pl.; vol. 2: [8, 35i]-69O p. 6 pl., I facsim.; vol. 3: [8, 6911-962, [2] p. 4 pl. “Literatur,” vol. 3, p. [875]-917. Curtel, G 634.4 Q200 40602 La vigne et le vin chez les Romains, par G. Curtel .... Paris, C. Naud, 1903. [4], iii, 182 p. 22cm. (On cover: Bibliothéque générale des sciences.) Degrully, Paul. L338.197 R002 87404 Essai historique et économique sur la production et le marché des vins en France. Par Paul Degrully, .... Paris, V. Giard et E. Briere, [etc., etc.], 1910. vi, 466 p. ind. illus., tables. 6 pl., i fold, diagr. 25-icm. “Bibliographie,” p. [45i]-402.