The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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310 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Ware, Lewis S. 633.285 N900 23554 SUgar beet - including a history of the beet sugar industry in Europe, varieties of the sugar beet, examination, soils, tillage, seeds and sowing, yield and cost of cultivation, harvesting, trans- portation, conservation, feeding qualities of the beet and of the pulp, etc. 323 p. il. i pl. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1880. 310.5 History of the petroleum industry Bell, Edwin C 665.5 Q004 History of petroleum; life of Col. Edwin L. Drake, by Edwin C. Bell______ Titusville, “The Bugle” Print., 1900. vi, C2]» I71 P- front, (port.) i6xi2cm. Brackel, Oswald Franz Joseph Freiherr von, 1873- 338.267 Q300 96206 Der dreissigjährige Petroleumkrieg. Eine handelswissenschaft- liche Studie von Dr. Frhr. Oswald v. Brackel und Joseph Leis. Berlin,}. Guttentag, 1903. xvi, 464 p. 2 fold. maps. 240m. Brannt, William Theodore. 665.5 P400 4331 Petroleum: its history, origin, occurrence, production, physical and chemical constitution, technology, examination and uses; together with the occurrence and uses of natural gas. Edited chiefly from the German of Prof. Hans Hoefer and Dr. Alexan- der Veith. XXVÜ715 p. 284 il. i pl. 2 maps. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1895. Crew, Benjamin Johnson. 665.5 O701 Apractical treatise on petroleum: comprising its origin, geology, geographical distribution, history, chemistry, mining, technology, uses and transportation, together with a description of gas wells, the application of gas as fuel, etc. With an appendix on the product and exhaustion of the oil regions and the geology of nat- ural gas in Pennsylvania and New York. By Charles A. Ash- burner. 508 p. 70 il. i pl. i map. O. Philadelphia: H. C. Baird & Co., 1887. Crum, A R , ed. L665.5 R100 99295 Romance of American petroleum and gas. Volume 1. (Illus- trated.) A. R. Crum, editor in chief, A. S. Dungan, associate editor. New York, N. Y., Romance of American Petroleum and Gas Co., [ci911], 363 p. inch front., illus., plates. 70 ports. 28£cm.