The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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PETROLEUM INDUSTRY 311 Eaton, Samuel John Mills, 1820-1889. 553.28 M502 96215 Petroleum: a history of the oil region of Venango County, Penn- sylvania. Its resources, mode of development, and value: em- bracing a discussion of ancient oil operations; with a map, and illustrations of oil scenes and boring implements. By Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, .... Philadelphia, J. P. Skelly & Co., 1866. x, 11-299 p. front, (fold, map), illus., 4 pl. I9cm. Gentsch, Wilhelm, 1865- 665.6 P600 90090 Die Petroleumlampe und ihre Bestandteile. Die Entwickelung der Petroleumlampe in den letzen Jahren. Mit 84 Abbildungen. Für Erfinder, Fabrikanten und Konsumenten gemeinfasslich dar- gestellt von Wilh. Gentsch, ... . Berlin, M. Krayn, 1896. 80 p. illus., diagrs. 23^cm. Goldberg, Jacques. 665.6 R100 82247 Die deutsche Lampe in Wort und Bild. Eine Zusammenstellung sämtlicher Petroleum- und Spiritus-Brenner sowie Zylinder. Mit Anhang: Dochttafel. Bearbeitet von Jacques Goldberg. 4. Auf- lage. Berlin, Rundschau für die Installations-, Beleuchtungs- u. Blechindustrie (Ebner & Ungerer), 1911. [26], 288 p. illus., I fold. pl. 24c,n. Advertising matter interspersed. Henry, J D 665.5 Q501 Baku: an eventful history. By J. D. Henry. With many illus- 81973 trations and a map. London, A. Constable & Co., ltd., [pref. a I9O5]- xviii, 256 p. front., 20 pl., ports, on 3 pl. (1 fold.), 1 fold. map. 23°“. Cont ents. — pt. 1. The origin, progress and present position of the Russian petroleum industry. —pt. 2. The rising in the Caucasus. — pt. 3. Batoum, Baku’s chief oil port. Henry, J. T. 553-28 N300 3985 The early and later history of petroleum, with authentic facts in regard to its development in western Pennsylvania______ Also, life sketches of pioneer and prominent operators, with the refining capacity of the United States. 607 p. il. 6 pl. 27 por. O. Phil- adelphia 1873. Hunt, Charles. 665.7 Q706 93163 A history of the introduction of gas lighting, by Charles Hunt, ... . London, W. King, 1907. viii, 150, [2] p. ind. illus., ports., facsims. front., 3 fold, diagr. 254em.