The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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__________ ___________________________ _____________________________________ 312 ____ ____ BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Hynek, Constantin Eug , 1883- 665.5 Q603 90120 Ueber die Petroleumindustrie und den Petroleumhandel. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der rumänischen Oelfelder______ [llter Teil, § § 1-9.] Von Constantin E. Hynek______ [Botosa- ni, Segall & Marcu, 1906.] [2], 139, [1] p. incl. I fold, table. 22icm. Inaug.-dis. — Berlin. Lebenslauf. Independence daily reporter. L553.28 Q501 96236 .... Independence daily reporter. Oil and gas magazine. His- tory of the mid-continent oil and gas field, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory [1881-1905]. Second edition. Indepen- dence, Kan., CI9O$. cover-title, [5]-44, 44A-44B, [14], [453—66 p. illus, (incl. ports.; 34^°“. Special oil and gas magazine supplement. Montague, Gilbert Holland. 665.5 Q300 90174 The rise and progress of the Standard Oil Company, by Gilbert Holland Montague. New York and London, Harper & Brothers, 1903. V, [3], 142, [i] p. I94cm. Redpath, Lionel Vane. 665.5 Qooi Petroleum in California. A concise and reliable history of the oil industry of the state...... 134 p. il. 1 map. O. Los Angeles, Cal., U. S. A.: L. V. Redpath, c. 1900. Renard, Marius. L622.33 Q802 78716 ... . L’histoire de la houille. Planches hors texte, dessins et ornaments typographiques par 1’auteur. Bruxelles, J. Lebegue & cie, [1908]. [4], iv, 164 p. illus, incl. diagrs., 16 pl. 3Icm. At head of title: Marius Renard .... “Bibliographie,” p. iii-iv. Swoboda, Julius. 338.267 P500 7818 Die Entwicklung der Petroleum-Industrie in volkswirtschaftlicher Beleuchtung. [8],197 p. O. Tübingen: H. Laupp, 1895. “Litteratur”, p. [7—8]. Tower, Walter Sheldon, 1881— 665.5 Q901 9°2<5 The story of'oii, by Walter Sheldon Tower, .... New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1909. xi, [l], 270, [2] p. front., illus. I9^crn.