The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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34 BOOKS ON THE HISTORY OF INDUSTRY Documentary history. 33°-973 Qgoi 101093 a documentary history of American industrial society. Edited by John R. Commons, Ulrich B. Phillips, Eugene A. Gilmore, Helen L. Sumner, and John B. Andrews. Prepared under the the auspices of the American Bureau of Industrial Research, with the co-operation of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. With preface by Richard T. Ely and introduction by John B. Clark. Volume I-[x]. Cleveland, O», The A. H. Clark Com- pany, 1910-191i. 10 vol. in 11 (vol. 5-10). 24^cm. “Bibliography,” vol. 1, p. [105]—107; vol. 5, p. [39]. “References,” vol. 7, p. [ 151]. “Finding list of sources quoted,” vol. 10, p. [ 137]-155. Contents. — vol. 1-2. Plantation and frontier. 1910. 2 vol. 3 facsim. (2 fold.) — vol. 3-4, and suppl. Labor conspiracy cases. 1910. 3 vol. 2 facsim.—vol. 5-10. Labor movement. 1910-1911. 6 vol. 6 fronts., ports, on 9 pl., 1 diagr., 5 facsim Gerhard, Hermann, 1869- 380.53 4 v.i 93146 Die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Südens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von i860 bis 1900. Von Dr. Hermann Gerhard. Halle a. S., Gebauer-Schwetschke Druckerei und Ver- lag m. b. H., 1904. 4, ii, 3-98, [2] p. 24^cm. (Zw Angewandte Geographie, i. Serie, 12. Heft.) Abridged from the author’s Inaug-Dis. —Heidelberg, 1903. Greeley, Horace, & others. 609.73 Nioo 13559 The great industries of the United States : being an historical sum- mary of the origin, growth, and perfection of the chief industrial arts of this country: by Horace Greeley, . .. , and other eminent writers .... 1304 p. il. 15 pl. O. Hartford : J. B. Burr & Hyde, 1872. Jackson, Giles B 309.75 Q813 90,22 The industrial history of the negro race of the United States. [By] Giles B. Jackson and D. Webster Davis. Richmond, Va., The Virginia Press, [ci9o8J. 400 p. incl. illus., ports. 22cm. Macfarlane, John James, 1846- 670.9748 R200 8°360 Manufacturing in Philadelphia, 1683-1912. With photographs of some of the leading industrial establishments. By John J. Macfarlane, .... [Philadelphia], Philadelphia Commercial Mu- seum, 1912. 101 p. illus., 2 fold. pl. 23icm. McMaster, John Bach, 1852- 973 O300 A history of the people of the United States, from the Revolution a to the Civil War. By John Bach McMaster .... Volume I- [viii] . New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1897, [°1883]-1913. 8 vol. illus., 23 maps (partly fold.), 3 plans. 22icm.