The John Crerar Library
A list of Books on the History of Industry and industrial Arts

Forfatter: Aksel G. S. Josephson

År: 1915

Forlag: Printed by Order of the Board of Directors

Sted: Chicago

Sider: 486

UDK: 016:62(09) Jos gl.

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INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC 35 Moore, Joseph Roswell Hawley, 1877- 330-973 R301 101094 An industrial history of the American people, by J. R. H. Moore, .... New York, The Macmillan Company, 1913. xiii, 496 p. illus, (inch facsims.), 2 maps (i fold.) I9icm. Oxford-Print, Boston. L609.74 R100 93152 New England industries. Brief historical sketches concerning twenty-five leading industries in New England. Compiled, illus- trated ... by Oxford-Print. Boston, Oxford-Print, [ci9ii]. 102 p. mounted illus. 27icm. Most leaves printed on one side only. Phillips, John Burton, 1866- L051 64 v.7 100625 plight rates and manufactures in Colorado. A chapter in eco- nomic history, by John Burton Phillips. (In The University of Colorado studies, December, 1909. [Boulder, Col., 1909.] 25åcm. vol. Vil, no. I, 62 p.)J Professional and industrial history. L974.410 P300 131,4 Professional and industrial history of Suffolk County, Massachu- setts_______ 3 vol. por. Q. [Boston:] Boston History Co., 1894. Contents: Vol. I. Davis, W. T. History of the Bench and Bar. Vol. 2. Hill, H. A. Trade, commerce and navigation. Williams, M., & Howes, O., Jr. Financial his- tory. Banking institutions, state and national. Bailey, D. P. Boston Clearing-House. Savings banks. Trust companies. Ernst, C. W. The postal service. Biographies. Vol. 3. Ernst, C. W. Constitutional history of Boston. Forster, E. J. Medical pro- fession of Suffolk county. Cummings, P. Street railway system of Boston. Norcross, F. W. Wholesale shoe trade of Suffolk County. —. The hide and leather trade of Suffolk County. Industrial history of Suffolk County. Boston’s relations to the tex- tile industry. The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association. Biographies. Sioussat, St. George Leakin. 306.145 1 v.21 90387 .... Economics and politics in Maryland, 1720—1750, and the public services of Daniel Dulany the elder, by St. George Lea- kin Sioussat, ... . Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1903. 84 p. 24icm, (Zn Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, series xxi, nos. 6-7.) Weber, Adna Ferrin, 1870- 330.9747 Q400 90258 ... . The growth of industry in New York. By Adna F. Weber .... Albany, N. Y., 1904. 60 p. illus., 8 fold. maps. i8cm. {In Monographs on social economics, iv.) At head of title: New York State Department of Labor. Exhibit at Louisiana Pur- chase Exposition, 1904. Wright, Carroll Davidson. 330.973 P500 12440 The jncjustrial evolution of the United States. 362 p. il. 1 por. 4 maps. D. (Chautauqua reading circle literature.) Meadville, Penna.: Flood & Vincent, 1897.