Lærebog I Styrmandskunster
eller Styrmandskunsten practisk og theoretisk forklaret, tilligmed de dertil fornödne Tabeller

Forfatter: S.L. Tuxen

År: 1844

Forlag: Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri

Sted: Kjøbenhavn

Sider: 631

UDK: 656.605

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Tabel 31 Brede, Længde og Havnetid, 533 Navne. Brede. Længde. o / // 0 / // Fretters Isl 52 9 ON 23 36 30 V Tiraght Rocks 5210 30 23 38 30 Great Blaskelt Pt... 5211 0 23 34 30 52 14 0 23 34 30 Dunmore head 52 13 0 23 29 30 Dunorling head .... 5219 0 2324 30 Brandon head 52 23 0 231130 Entrance of the Shan- non Kerryhd 52 30 0 22 59 30 — Loophd 52 37 0 22 59 30 q Limerick 52 42 0 21 46 30 Clare 52 51 0 22 9 30 £ Hag’s head 53 6 0 22 18 30 ~ Galway Bay Black head 53 20 30 22 15 30 H Galway 53 28 30 21 48 30 £N. Arran V.Pt 53 19 0 22 37 30 «Skird Rock 53 27 30 22 51 30 ^Sline head 53 35 0 23 7 30 k Shark Is 53 46 0 23 10 30 Ennis Turk Is 53 53 0 2256 30 53 58 0 22 48 30 Achil head 54 7 0 23 6 30 Black Rock 5413 0 2311 30 Broadhaven, Urris 5428 0 22 53 30 Threctuns Rock.... 54 31 30 22 39 30 Dowon Patrick head. 54 28 0 221130 Killala 54 20 0 22 2 30 Sligo 54 22 0 21 16 30 Ennis Murray is... • 54 31 0 21 29 30 Donnegal.......... 54 41 0 2045 30 Tillon head 54 42 0 21 34 30 Douras head 54 51 0 21 15 30 . Arranmore NPt § Bloody Foreland... • 55 2 0 21 12 30 55 9 0 20 53 30 < Torry Is. NVPt 5517 30 20 51 30 cs Horii head 5513 0 •20 36 30 Melmore head 5515 0 20 24 30 ■*Lock Swilly Dunnaff g head 55 17 0 20 8 30 55 24 0 20 0 30 i Enistrahul Ligth.... 55 28 0 19 49 30 ° Misv. 30° NV. glnishoan head 5514 0 19 30 30 Londonderry 54 59 28 195019 Giants Causeway ... 5515 0 19 4 30 Rachlin Is. VPt. ... 5519 0 18 51 30 Fair head 5515 0 18 41 30 Tor head 5513 0 18 36 30 .Maids Rocks or les g Filles 54 57 0 1814 30 54 46 0 18 14 30 £ Carrickfergus 54 43 0 18 25 0 54 35 0 18 32 30 "“'New Is. Ligth 54 40 30 17 59 30 £ South Rock Ligth . . 54 21 0 17 59 30 5413 0 18 23 30 ^Dundelak 54 0 0 18 55 30 gClougher head 53 50 0 18 46 30 Drogheda Bar 5344 0 18 47 30 1015 9 O H.T. Navne. Brede. Længde. H.T. T. < o / // o / // T , iå St. Patrik Is 53 35 ON 18 3830V I amhy Is. 53 30 0 18 36 30 g Howth head Ligth .. 53 22 0 18 38 30 Dublin 53 21 30 18 51 30 9 45 S: Wicklow Ligth 52 59 0 18 36 30 9 0 52 49 0 18 42 30 (.lasscarrick 52 38 0 18 45 30 * Wexford Harbour... 52 22 0 18 54 30 h Carnsore Pt 52 11 0 18 53 30 o Tusker rock....... 5212 0 18 42 30 6 30 Misv. 28° NV. Saltoes rocks 52 6 0 191130 Hnnk Ligth 52 5 0 19 32 30 Waterford 5213 0 19 45 30 5 30 4 30 öTramore 52 7 0 19 46 30 5 Dnngarvon 52 2 0 20 14 30 4 80 Ram head 51 53 0 20 17 30 YiMighfill • 5153 0 20 23 30 4 80 ^T)nfrs nose 5147 0 20 45 30 r. Cork 51 5354 21 3 45 4 30 £ Misv. 28° NV. Kinsalp. Ligth 5135 0 21 4 30 If ° Seven heads 5134 0 21 14 30 Dundcdy hp.atl,.. 51 32 30 21 28 30 ROSS 51 34 30 21 34 30 Stags ou les Cerfs.. 5127 0 21 48 30 Baltimore 5127 0 22 130 I VIII. Frankrigs, Spaniens og Portugals Kyster. Fra Dunkerken til Gibraltar. Paris Observat..... Dunkerque.......... Bergues............ Gravelines......... 48 5014N 51 211 50 57 43 50 59 10 Calais................. 50 57 32 Cap Grisncs ø Ambleteuse. 2 Boulogne... g Etapies.... < Montreuil... fa Kue....... fa Le Crotoy......... ' Abbeville......... S St. Valery sur Somme S Eu................. a St. Quentin........ § Dieppe Fyr......... z Phare d’iilly...... St. Valery en Caux.. Fecamp............. Cap de Caux........ Cap la Heve........ Lc Havre........... Harfleur 50 52 45 50 48 13 50 43 33 50 30 44 50 27 42 50 16 19 50 12 52 50 7 4 501121 50 2 52 49 50 51 49 55 34 49 55 17 49 52 J 2 49 45 24 49 41 0 49 30 42 492914 49 30 23 1015 15 V 10 13 7 10 21 26 10 27 55 10 44 29 11 1 0 10 59 19 10 -58 57 10 56 59 10 49 43 10 55 29 Il 8 6 10 45 47 10 57.54 11 2012 II 1253 1131 1 112513 1154 5 12 12 42 12 24 30 1231 30 12 29 7 1217 48 12 0 11 30 11 40 11 0 10 45 10 45 10 30 10 0 9 0