The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)

Forfatter: Edward Butler

År: 1916

Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 120

UDK: 621.431.31

With 88 Illustrations

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86 VAPOPvIZING OF PARAFFIN. v constitutes the clearance Space of the pump p, the mixture being aspirated on the downstroke of the pump piston and transferred alternately to one or the other of the explosion cylinders on the upstroke of the pump piston ; hence it folio ws the mixture has to remain in contact with the vaporizing surface for a longer period than obtains in an ordinary induction jet vaporizer, and in this respect more nearly resembles the time factor pertaining to compressed-air jet vaporizers. A further peculiarity obtains in accordance with this system, for as the volume of mixture supplied to the cylinders c, c1 through the admission val ves n, n1 is cont rolied by varying the period during which the cam actuated lift valve or throttle h is held open, during each upstroke of the pump piston, the pressure in the clearance space v will increase according as the volume of mixt ure admitted to the explosion cylinders is diminished, and in this manner will have the effect of compensating in an im- port ant degree for the reduced temperature of the exhaust gases from x, x1 to the jacket x2. In other respects the working of the motor proceeds on ortliodox lines ; asr for instance, the fuel is drawn through a combined air and spraying valve z from one of a pair of float-feecl cisterns f, which are connected to a two-way change- over plugZ in the usual way. Admission Control by the variable period of opening of the transfer valve h is more clearly shown in Fig 67 ; liere is seen the cam k made double, as this valve functions at each revolution, the variable lift being obtained by the floating wedge connected to the control rod r ; the mixture also, after passing this valve h, is forcecl along a jacketed manifold e, by which the process of vaporization is rendered still more complete.