The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)

Forfatter: Edward Butler

År: 1916

Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 120

UDK: 621.431.31

With 88 Illustrations

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ROAD CAR AND TRACTOR MOTORS. 97 any uncertainty of action due to sticking-up or leakage of any mo ving part may be eliminated, and for this reason also even the ordinary wing or plug throttle is dispensed with. Petrol and paraffin are supplied to the two float cisterns /, either under a slight air pressure or by gravity, as the case may be, and these feed the two spray nozzles j, j1, the capacity of which, as of the air duets a, ax and throttle valves h1, h2, is. proportioned on the ratio of 1 to 4. In action the smaller throttle is first depressed by the lever A3, when with a further depression of Ä1 by the hand-controlled rocker h and rod r, the larger throttle h2 is depressed off its seat, thus bringing into play the paraffin jet. The mixture is drawn from the choke-tubes a, a1 to the underside of the valves h1, 7z2, and past these to the mixing chamber v1, and thence up through a nest of small vaporizing tubes v2 to the space v3, where the vaporized mixture is diluted with cold air admitted through ports a2 in a rotary shutter-valve controlled by the rod r2 against the pull of a spring s. Thus, normally, complete control is exer- cised by a single mo vement ; the amount of supplement ary air can, however, be at any time inereased independently of the movement of the rods r, r2 by a second connection r1. The ports a2 can also be opened with both throttles closed, as when coasting. In connection with the Binks bi-fuel carburettor, it will be further seen that the supple- mentary air valve is held closed by a spring when running on petrol; also that the mixture is drawn direct to the motor through the manifold m, and that the tubular vaporizer is heated by the circulation through connections x, xx of part only of the exhaust. Carburettor Vaporizers.—In using paraffin in a road- 7