The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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with their modus operandi. The method usually
adopted for spraying paraffin is very similar to that
used for petrol, the flash-proof fuel being subject
to the same requirements for a variable supply of a
mixture of constant strength as the light oils, in addition
to which it is of the utmost importance that the tempera-
ture of the vaporizer should be maintained, as nearly
as practicable, constant over a wide range of load' in
order to prevent either overheating of the mixture supply,
or incomplete vaporization and consequently imperfect