The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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1 5
annulus behind the choke-tube, forming a continuation
of Uie air inlet cone a. This particular form of car-
burettor was mounted directly over a shallow cistern k,
Figs. 8. l'ig. 9.
I'igs. 6 to 9.—Methods for maintaining a Constant Level in the Fuel Cistern without
a Float-feed Valve.
provided with a compensating well extension l, into
which the suction tube t depended; the feed was regu-
lated by a needle valve, the duet leading into the annulus.