The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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in this manner during a run of a few hours under road
conditions only too commonly met with, is truly amazing ;
moreover, this dust is more harmful to both cylinders
and cfank-pin bearings than is generally realized.
In most of the more modem carburettors automatic
adjustments are for this reason totally done away with
—e.g., in the Binks’ multiple-jet carburettor, the mixture
is regulated by the lift of spring-loaded valves, whicli
can be ground in without trouble. In this, usually
made as a double-jet carburettor, the spraying nozzles
are successively controlled by one movement of the
operating gear, and each is fittecl with a separate choke-
tube and air supply ; one of which (vide Figs. 74-75),
the pilot jet—whose tube is about half the diameter of
the tube for the main jet—is first brought into action
for starting and slow running, when for more power
and speed, a further movement gradually brings the main
jet into play, the latter then supplementing the former.
The Polyrhoe multiple-jet carburettor in one respect
more nearly approaches finality t han any ot her, by
reason, of the use of a plurality of jets which are succes-
sively brought into action together with a directly
proportioned air supply, by the equivalent of an expanding
choke-tube. In the diagrammatic sections (Figs. 34-35)
illustrating this, the spray nozzlé s, which extends the
full length of the air inlet orifice, consists of thin per-
foratéd plates, quite easily cleaned. in which fine aper-
tures are arranged to cause the spray feed to be projected
laterally by the inrush of air in the form of a series of
jets across the opening denoted by the arrows; the
■extent of this opening is controlled lengthways by a
tongue g, which is caused to reciprocate in consonance