The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)
Forfatter: Edward Butler
År: 1916
Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited
Sted: London
Sider: 120
UDK: 621.431.31
With 88 Illustrations
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the faet that the total volume of mixture is drawn
through a large exhaust heated chamber, such as shown
in the sectional elevation (Fig. 36). In this vaporizer,
which works efficiently with any of the refined flash-
proof lamp oils, the mixture is only heated to the com-
paratively low temperature of 300° to 400° F., in which 2/2
connéction it is well to understand that the more per- t t.-c
feetly an oil is atomized the lower is the temperature
necessary for its combustion, which is an advantage,
Fig. 36.—Exhaust-Heated Vaporizer with Compressed-Air Jet Atomizer.
| if not off-set by the necessity for a more than corre-
sponding complexity of apparatus, which in this case,
as will be seen, requires^an air pump and for the fuel
to be contained in a tank subject to a pressure of 8 to
15 Ibs. per square inch ; and this again obviously neces-
sitates^ a separate hånd pump, or a pressure supply for
starting. For this and other reasons, single- and double-
cylinder engines on this system have not been able to