The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)

Forfatter: Edward Butler

År: 1916

Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 120

UDK: 621.431.31

With 88 Illustrations

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46 VAPORIZING OF PARAFFIN. 10 Ibs. per square inch, although 12 to 15 Ibs. are found necessary when working with oils exceeding 800 to 820 specific gravity ; this enters by pipes f1 and d1, con- nected respectively to the bottom and top of the pressure ■tank /, to which air is supplied along the pipe d by a pump having a capacity of approximately 10 per cent, •of that of the power cylinder. The throttle h, contrary to usual practice, is arranged to control the admission .of air synchronously with that of the oil, and on this .account tends to lower the pressure in the fuel tank as the throttle is closed ; another effect of this throttle disposition is to assist in the vaporization of the spray while running on reduced loacls and when the temperature of the exhaust gases entering the jacket x1 is some hundred or two degrees lower than at full load. The spray throttle li1 is connected by a lever g to the governor, and as the fuel and air throttles are connected, both move together ; .also, the main air supply entering at a is deflected on to the spray column by a series of converging openings cd, ■and to prevent back flow during the interval between the suction strokes, a non-return valve is fitted on the ■inlet to the throttle h. The vaporizer is shown with flues s1, to expedite the heating process necessary, as by a pair of pressure burners s, which are fitted with ►compressed-air spraying nozzles similar to the vaporizer spraying nozzle z ; to these paraffin and air are supplied by the pipes d2, f2, from the main tank /, a liand pump being provicted to maintain the necessary pressure •during the 12 to 15 minutes or so required to raise the vaporizing chamber to the starting temperature. In -connection with this vaporizing process mueh depends con the form of the atomizer, and also on the correct