The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)

Forfatter: Edward Butler

År: 1916

Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 120

UDK: 621.431.31

With 88 Illustrations

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_____________ ___________ _________________________ ______________________ ________________________ OTHER WORKS BY EDWARD BUTLER, M.Inst.Meeh.E. ___________________________________________________________ In Demy 8vo. Pp. i-xiv + 237. With Illustrations. 8s. 6d. net. EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE. By EDWARD BUTLER, M.I.Mech.E. General Contents.—Introductory.—Caloric Engines —Constaht-pressure Engincs.— Free-piston Engines.—Non-compression Engines.—Uompression of Mixture.—Four-strokc Engincs—Removal of Inert Gases —Two-stroke Engines.—Compound Explosion Engines. —The Thermo-dynamics of Int. Comb. Engine.—Difficulties of the Turbine Principle.— Valves.—Mixing and Governing and Carburetting.—Ignition.—Starting and Reversing.— Evolution of the Internal Combustion Engine—Industrial Oil and Gas Engines—Large- power Engines—High-speed Engines.—Rotary and Revolving Cylinder Engines— Single- sleeve or Liner Valves.—Cooling and Lubricating.—Index. “ The Author’s experience gives him excellent qualiflcations for the task he has under- taken ... all who are interested in the practical working of combustion engines will find this volume interesting and worthy of a place on their bookshelf.”—Mechanical Engineer. __________________________________ In Demy Svo. Cloth. Pp. i-xi+176. With 130 Illustrations. CARBURETTORS, VAPORISERS, & VALVES, USED IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. By EDWARD BUTLER, M.I.Mech.E. Contents.—Introduction.—Surface and Spray Carburettors for Petrol and Alcohol Motors — Automatic Carburettors.—Vaporisers for Heavy Oils.—Admission and Exhaust Valves—Admission Valves and Combined Admission and Exhaust Valves.—Two-cycle and Camless Engines—Valve Arrangements and Actuating Gear.—Water-cooled Exhaust Valves.—Rotary Distributing Valves.—Revolving Sleeve or Liner Valves.—Index. “ Mr. Butler writes with an intimate practical knowledge of his subject, and the book is one we have every pleasure in recommending.”—Mechanical Engineer. Third Edition. In Large Crown Svo, Cloth. Fully Illustrated. Pp. i-xiv+ 328. 7s. 6d. net. O I L F U E L : ITS SUPFLY, COMPOSITION, AND AFFLICATION. By ED. BUTLER, M.I.Mech.E. Contents.—Origin, Production, and the Sources of Supply.—Economic Aspect and Heat Value of Liquid Fuel—Chemical Composition of Fuel Oils.—Conditions of Com- bustion in Oil Fuel Fumaces.—Early Combustion Methods.—Steam-. Air-, and Pressure- Jet Burners, etc., uscd in Land and Marine Boilers.—Relative Advantages of Steam, Compressed Air, and Mechanical Action as an Atomising Agent for Liquid Fuel Burners —Oil Fuel for Marine Purposes.—For Naval Purposes.—On Locomotives.—For Road Vehicles and Motor Launches.—For Metalluigical and other Purposes.—For Lighting and Domestic Purposes.—Appendices.—Index. “ A recognised text-book on this subject . . . those desirous of keeping up-to-date should get this book.”—Oil News. “ We can recommend the book as being a comprehensive one on this subject in the light of the latest experience.”—Steamship. In Medium 8vo. Cloth. Pp. i-xvi + 473. With 345 Illustrations. 18s. net. MODERN PUMPING AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. By EDWARD BUTLER, M.I.Mech.E. “Tilis work is a veritable encyclopædia . . . with excellent and abundant dia- grams.”—Times Engineering Supplement. LONDON : CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO., LTD., EXETER STREET, STRAND. Hi