The Vaporizing Of Paraffin for High-Speed Motors
(Electric Ignition Type)

Forfatter: Edward Butler

År: 1916

Forlag: Charles Griffin & Company, Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 120

UDK: 621.431.31

With 88 Illustrations

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VAP01UZA.T10N IN THE H1GH-SPEED MARINE ENGINE. 79 and thus mixes, as in a snifting carburettor, with the air entering at a ; the opening and closing of this valve, which is of unusual capacity, is steadied by a cataract piunger 1 ; the mixture is then drawn down the chamber v to the motor inlet <%,in more or less volume according to the opening of the piston throttle h, placecl under governor Control through the connections g. It will be noticed that the throttle casing as well as the vaporizing chamber are exhaust jacketed, the temperature being controlled by regulating the circulation of exhaust from t to the jacket t3 by a throttle t2; two flues / are provided for heating-up the vaporizer by a burner when petrol is not available for starting on. In the following föur examples, as in the one preceding, exhaust-heated vaporizers are shown arranged to function with a snifting feed, and are, therefore, not dependent on the fuel supply being maintained at constant level, although combined with a float cistern in some cases, as in the Crossley, Davis, and Allsop vaporizing systems. In the improved Davis petrol-paraffin vaporizer shown in Figs. 61 to 63, which will be seen to be constructed more on the lines of the Westmacott describecl below, a nest of tubes is arranged transversely across the vaporizer v of rectangular form, which is surrounded by an exhaust- heated chamber x1, so arranged with the exhaust inlet and outlet x and x2 opposite the vaporizing tubes that part of this flows through clirect. When fitted to a single- or double-cylinder motor, the whole of the exhaust is allowed to circulate through the vaporizer, but in a four- cylinder motor, the exhaust from two cylinders is shunted direct to the muffler. This form of vaporizer is also fitted on the Blake marine motors, a four-cylinder motor