Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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the distance from the centre of the hub spindle, when right
up at the end of the fork slot, should be 15 in. If without
mudguards, f-in. clearance will suffice ; or for a track
racer | in. will be ample.
If mudguards are to be secured to the frame with pins
and nuts to the bridges, see that the proper-sized holes for
the pins to be used are drilled in them before brazing, and
that they do not get blocked up with brass in brazing.
With the forks and stays brazed up to the bridges, set
and filed up, the back forks should now be fitted to the
bracket lugs.
When the short tubes from the bridge to the bracket
are cut the proper length, clean the ends and knock them
home in the lugs. Before drilling for pegs, test with a
straightedge the fork-end faces for truth off the bracket
faces. They should be equally distant from these faces.
If not, pull over one fork at a time until they are, keeping
the two fork ends the proper width apart to fit on the hub
without spring. When this is correct, drill and peg. Then
fit the top stays in place and braze.
In brazing the back lugs of the bracket, it will be best
to braze the one nearest to the worker first. If the one
farther away is done first, it may become partly unbrazed
whilst doing the nearest one. It must also be watched
that whilst brazing the first of these lugs, the second one
does not get scaled with the heat. To avoid this, put some
borax on the joint as soon as it becomes red. Before
brazing any of the bracket lugs, the screw threads should
be protected by painting with blacklead mixed with water
or oil.