Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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washer should be used under the nipple head to prevent
pulling through.
Shortening Cycle Forks.—Forks may be shortened
by cutting them to the required length, cleaning out the
inside for an inch or so, and then flattening the ends
again on to a piece of sheet steel fitted into the flattened
end before brazing. After brazing, the axle holes can
be marked off truly and drilled to suit the axle, or cone
shoulder, if so fitted. The holes must be drilled equally
distant from the centre of the crown, or the front wheel
will be nearer one fork than the other, and out of track
with the rear wheel.
Setting Cycle Forks.—For setting cycle forks, heat
the steering tube to a dull red just at the bent part only ,
hold the end of the tube in the vice, and pull the tube
straight by using the fork blades as leverage. When the
tube is straight and true with the fork crown, let it cool
gradually, and treat the blades in the same manner, one at
a time, holding the blade to be set in the vice and using
the steering tube as leverage. To test the truth of the
blades, pass a straight rod through the spindle holes in
the end of the blades, and place another rod or straight-
edge across the top of the blades close up to the crown ;
the two straightedges or rods should then lie in one plane.
When this is satisfactory, fix the wheel centrally in the
forks and test the steering tube for trueness or upright-
ness with the wheel. This may be done by placing a
straightedge on the edges of the rim, and noting the
distance that the top of the steering tube is from the end
of the straightedge when tried on each side. If unequal,