Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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the blades must be pulled over sidewise until true. To
do this, the wheel will have to be removed or the spindle
nuts slackened.
Only that part of the tube or blade which is bent should
be heated when setting. If too much has been heated, cool
the straight part with water before pulling true, or a
double bend will result, which will be very awkward to
remove. To prevent the vice jaws damaging the tube, it
is advisable to hold the fork in a pair of wood vice blocks.
Shortening Cycle Head.—Assume that it is wished
to shorten the head of a cycle frame by in., without
purchasing a new head and seat lugs. If the seat tube is
shortened a similar amount to the head tube, the same
lugs will do if they are taken off without damage ; but if
the seat tube is to remain as it is, then new lugs will be
necessary to suit the different angle. If the seat tube is
to be shortened, first cut off the head and seat tubes the
required length. Then clean off the enamel from the
side of the lugs to find any pegs or screws, which must be
drilled out. The short pieces of tube can then be removed
by heating up the lugs on a brazing hearth and twisting
out the short ends with a pair of pliers when the brass is
well melted. If the seat tube is to remain as it is, cut off
the head tube the required length, drill out the peg in
the seat lug, unbraze this, and then unbraze the short piece
from the head lug.
Truing Bracket Spindles.—Hub and bottom-bracket
spindles generally have centres drilled in the ends, unless
made from the bar. If centres are present, mount the
spindle between lathe centres and spin, when the out-of-