Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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If the conditions were reversed—that is to say, a lf-in.
bracket and a lf-in. hub chain line—it would not be so
bad, as it is the practice of some makers to set the machine
so that a straightedge held against the outside face of the
bracket wheel will be y1^- in. “ off ” the face of the hub
wheel 5 the theory being that when pressure is applied to
the pedals, the small amount of spring in the back part of
the frame will bring the chain line correct when riding.
If the back forks are set so that the chain wheels are in
line, the difference will not matter a great deal.
Determining Length of Cycle Chain. To find the
correct length of a chain, multiply the distance from the
centre of the bracket axle to the centre of the back wheel
axle by 2. Add together the number of teeth on the
bracket wheel and hub wheel and divide by 2 ; add
these two results together, and the result will be the
length of chain required in inches, if the chain is 1-in.
pitch. If |-in. pitch, do not divide the combined number
of chain wheel teeth. Thus, for example, wheel centres
19 in., bracket wheel 24 teeth, hub wheel 8 teeth *
(19 X 2) + —= 54 m.j
which is the length of chain required for 1-in. pitch.
Replacing Block Chain with Roller Chain. The
advantages of a roller chain (see Figs. 14 and 15; over an
old-fashioned block chain are : less friction on the
chain-wheel teeth and quieter running ; while in rainy
or dirty weather a roller chain does not get stiff and mount
the teeth as a block chain will. The +in. pitch roller
chain is the one most in favour, but this will not fit a