Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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chain wheel made for a 1-in. block chain, for which a 1-in.
pitch twin-roller chain will have to be used.
Shortening a Chain.—To shorten a cycle chain the
following instructions given by Cycling may be followed :
It is easier for the amateur to detach two links than one.
To determine whether two can be taken out, slide the
back wheel right into the slots by unscrewing the draw
bolts, and then see if the chain can be connected on the
sprocket with two links to spare. If so, it is better to have
them detached. File the rivet head flush with the side
Fig. 14.—Parts of Hans Renold
plate, prise the latter clear of the rivet, and twist it round
until there is room for the link to slide off the chain. Be
careful not to take it off at the end of the chain where the
bolt fits, and also examine the bolt to see if it fits well.
If not, it will be advisable to have it renewed. In good
chains the pin is made of very hard material, and care
must be taken when using the file, for it is easy to damage
the plate instead of filing the pin. Look carefully at all
rivets in the chain to see if any have become loose from the
side-plates. This will sometimes happen even with the
best of chains, especially after hard riding or when they
are getting old and worn. To rivet them up, hold the
chain sidewise on a piece of heavy iron (a 14-lb. weight