Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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for the interior, unless the chain is immersed in the mixture
whilst this is hot and liquid, when it will find its way into
all parts, and form one of the very best chain lubricants
A good lubricant for external application to chains
consists of plumbago and vaseline. Any good make of
blacklead will do, but specially prepared plumbago is better.
Crush the blacklead to a fine powder and mix thoroughly
with twice the bulk of good vaseline and a little lubricating
Adjusting Wheels and Chain.—When adjusting the
wheels and bracket, do so before replacing the chain, and
the best way is to tighten up the cone rather too tight,
and then slack back a trifle until the wheel or bracket will
oscillate without any perceptible side shake. When adjust-
ing the chain, see that the back wheel is quite true in the
forks both at the bottom and top, and have the chain so
adjusted that there is a slight sag at both the top and
Examining and Cleaning Bearings.—For cleaning
bearings without going to the trouble of taking them to
pieces, proceed thus : Fill an oil-can having a fine point
with paraffin, and thoroughly swill out the bearings by
squirting the paraffin through the lubricators, and revolving
the bearings repeatedly until the paraffin runs out quite
clean. Place the wheels and frame on its side, so that all
paraffin may drain out. Then if there is any shake or
play in the bearings, take this up, and spin the wheel or
bracket, whichever it may be, and listen carefully if there
is any “ click ” to be heard when the bearing is revolved.