Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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28 CYCLE REPAIRING If so, it is certain that there is a broken or chipped ball, or a bad place in the cone or cup, and that particular bearing should be taken out for examination. The parts must be wiped quite clean, and every ball carefully exam- ined, as well as the cones and cups. If a chipped, rough, or broken ball is revealed, replace it with a new one, being sure it is of the same diameter. If a bad or unevenly worn cone, cup, or bracket disc is the fault, obtain a new one and replace. When spinning the bearing to detect any fault, after it has been cleaned out, a noise may be heard of the balls dropping on one another as they revolve. This is as it should be, and must not be confounded with a “ click ” caused by a defective bearing. After cleaning out, all bearings must be lubricated with some good oil. Pure sperm is as good as anything, and much better than some of the oils put up in tins with a fancy name. Many of these are composed of the greater part paraffin, which is no good whatever as a lubricant. It is a good plan to alter the position of the bottom- bracket discs by turning the fixed or chain-wheel side half a revolution in the bracket. This will bring a fresh portion of the disc into position to receive the greatest amount of wear. This also applies to wheel spindles and the bottom- head cone or race of the fork crown. The position of the pedal spindles might also be moved in the crank ends by fitting a very thin washer behind the pedal pin shoulder. The bearings should be thoroughly cleaned out and properly adjusted, so that they run free, but without shake. The best way to do this is to tighten them