Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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OVERHAULING A BICYCLE 29 home, and then slack the cone back for a quarter or a half revolution. See that all lock nuts are securely tightened up. Before cleaning out the bearings of a fully-equipped bifcycle, tie rags round any part where the oil is likely to run out, as otherwise the tyres will be messed up. Mineral oil is not good for rubber. Cleaning Free-wheel Clutch.—The clutch should be cleaned by running some petrol or benzoline through it until it runs out fairly clean ; then let the petrol drain out, and lubricate with good oil. The machine should be leaned over to one side while the clutch is being cleaned, to prevent the tyres getting damaged. If the clutch runs very stiff after being cleaned and oiled, it has probably been badly fitted on the hub. If the clutch is a “ rächet ” type, it will always make a certain amount of noise compared with a “ friction ” type. It is not necessary to take the clutch to pieces to clean it. If petrol is not handy, use ordinary paraffin oil. Cleaning and Lubricating New Departure Hub. Fill an oil can with petrol, lean the cycle over to one side to keep the tyres free from the spirit and oil, and squirt the spirit through all oil holes, turning the wheel frequently and rapidly until the spirit runs out fairly clean ; then lean the cycle over to the other side, and repeat the process. When all the spirit has drained out, well lubricate the hub with good oil, such as sperm oil. For the brake surfaces, a heavier oil, such as motor cylinder oil, is advisable, as the heat created by the friction of the brake soon dries up a thin body oil. Many riders think that the brake