Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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Removing Tyre Cover.—To remove a tyre cover, take
off the valve cap and valve spindle, and so deflate the
tube, turn the wheel so
that the valve is upper-
most, undo the thumb
nut, lift the wheel off
the ground for about
1 in., and, pushing the
cover from you, put the
wheel on it, so as to
hold it in position.
Next select two Well-
Fig- 28.—Dunlop^ Roadster Wired-on worn pennies 0r other
large coins or the han-
dle of a spoon, or other convenient tool ; push one
between the rubber cover wire and the rim, about 2 in.
from the valve, but be
most careful not to nip
or cut the tube. Then
push in a second about
3 in. from the valve.
The coins do not go in
more than J in., and
are therefore not liable
to injure the tube.
Bear down on the two
coins for leverage with
two fingers of one hand,
while pushing back the wire on each side with the other
hand ; the tyre will then come off.
Fig. 29.—Dunlop Roadster Beaded-
edge Tyre