Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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CYCLE ENAMELLING AND PLATING 63 is caused by the frame not being properly cleaned bright of all rust before the first coat has been applied ; or, even if the frame has been properly cleaned, it has been left to lie about and get rusty ; or again, has been handled with damp hands after cleaning. Examining for Repairs.—Before proceeding to take the machine to pieces, look over it well and see that any necessary repairs are executed before sending the parts away, and not after. A wheel may want truing, a crank or pedal pin straightening, etc., so do any of these before taking down. Removing the Fittings. — Completely strip the machine of all fittings, and put the parts to be replated into a box by themselves. Take out all bearing parts, bottom bracket axle and discs, front fork from the head, removing the ball races from head unless they are very securely fixed in their places, a3 they may get knocked out at the enameller’s and lost. Take out the hub spindles and pedal spindles, wrapping the balls from each part up separately and marking them to where they belong. Some difficulty may be encountered in removing pedal spindles from the cranks, as generally one is put in with a right-hand thread and one with a left-hand thread ; but not always in the same way by all makers, some putting the left-hand threaded pin on the left side and some on the right. Some early pattern machines have right-hand threads to both sides, so it will be well to be sure which threads are used before forcing them, as they may be only forced up tighter. Should they prove very difficult to