Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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remove, no harm will be done if they are left in the cranks ;
but the platers prefer them removed.
Removing Handle Grips.—Tyres must, of course, be
removed from the rims and grips from the handle-bars.
The latter is a job that requires care, as the grips may
very easily be spoilt in getting them off the bars. They
are generally fixed on with solid-tyre cement hot, and must
therefore be made hot to remove them. One way to do
this is to hold the bar in the gas flame, as near to the grip
as possible without burning the grip. They are mostly
celluloid now or celluloid tipped, and therefore very in-
flammable. Do not hurry the job, but let the heat work
up to the end gradually, then twist the grip off with the
hand. Another way is to put it into hot water until the
cement is softened ; but as this also softens the celluloid,
care is required in taking off, or the grip is spoiled. If the
grips are of the cork variety and somewhat the worse for
wear, it will be advisable to fetch them off without ceremony
and fit new ones ; they are cheap enough.
Preparing Parts for Plating.—It is not necessary,
as is sometimes commonly imagined, to polish up the
parts with emery-cloth before sending to the plater’s. It
is only necessary to wipe the greasy parts, and take every
part to pieces that is possible. Remove all nuts, pins,
screws, etc., and send them detached. Do not put nuts
back on the spindles, etc., but leave them loose.
Taking Wheels to Pieces.—If it is decided to have the
hubs replated, this will necessitate taking the wheels to
pieces and, of course, rebuilding them. If this is con-
sidered too difficult a job, and the plating is not very badly