Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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worn, it may be advisable to let this part go with a good
clean up with some good metal polish. Taking a wheel to
pieces and rebuilding is, however, not very difficult, and
by the aid of instructions given in an earlier chapter, the
work may be tackled by anyone with average ability.
Making List of Parts—When all the parts to be
sent to the plater’s are ready, a list should be made of
every part to accompany them, and a duplicate kept for
checking off when they are returned, as the platers some-
times lose small parts in the vats, and then declare they
were not received ; so be precise with this list. Mention
each part separately, except the very small screws and
nuts, which may be listed as so many small screws and so
many small nuts, etc. When the goods are returned,
check them off carefully with the list before starting to
use any of them, and at once apply for any that may be
missing. If the front-fork crown is to be plated, the forks
should be cleared of the old enamel before sending. Brake
blocks should be removed, and if badly worn, new ones
Parts for Enamelling.—The parts for enamelling
can now be taken in hand. These will comprise the frame,
forks, mudguards (if any), and the wheels. If the hubs
have gone to the plater’s, the wheels must wait until they
are rebuilt, when they can be sent with the frame, etc.
The rims in any case will have to be cleaned of all the old
Removing Old Enamel.—There are several ways in
which the old enamel may be cleaned off the various parts.
Where a lot of such work is done, the old enamel is stripped