Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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ENAMELLING A CYCLE AT HOME 85 selected and measured off for position. They are then coated evenly and thinly with good transfer varnish, allowed to dry until the right tackiness is reached, placed in position, and rubbed on with a clean dry rag. Then moisten with a clean sponge, and peel off. When dry, varnish, and if possible stove for a short time to set and harden the varnish. The secret of success is to use good varnish and obtain the correct degree of tackiness. Most beginners make the mistake of not allowing sufficient time to dry. For gold lining, the line is first drawn with gold-size, using the edge of the tube as a guide. The gold-leaf is cut into strips and put on, left to dry, and brushed off with a haie s foot or cotton-wool. It may be burnished or left dull. A line may be put on with bronze powder mixed in gold-size and varnished over. A white line is put on with a brush, using a quick-drying paint such as Club enamel applied thin. Scroll transfers may be bought for finishing the lines.