Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts
År: 1916
Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD
Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne
Sider: 152
UDK: 629.118
With 79 Illustrations
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Building a Bicycle from Standard Fittings
Now that cycle fittings are standardised and can be pur-
chased with all machining and drilling ready done for
fitting up, the question of building one’s own cycle is not
nearly such a formidable task as it used to be. Any
amateur mechanic with average ability and the necessary
tools should, assisted by the following instructions, be able
to build a really first-class machine. Probably the first
questions that will be asked are : What tools will be re-
quired, and what will be the cost ?
Tools Required.—As regards tools, the least that can
be done with are a vice, light hammer, mallet, two or three
files, rule, spoke-nipple key, hack saw, some means of drill-
ing the brazing peg holes, and a straightedge. If the brazing
is to be done at home, of course some means of brazing the
various lugs, etc., must be available, either a powerful blow-
lamp, not a small plumber’s lamp, but a powerful brazing
lamp, or, better still, a brazing forge with blowpipe. In
the absence of brazing facilities, the joints may be done by
a cycle repairer or smith. The first cycle ever built by
the writer was brazed up by a blacksmith for a few
Cost.—Regarding the cost, probably the main item
with many, the great difficulty with amateurs is to get the
proper fittings and materials at a reasonable price. Very