Cycle Repairing and Adjusting
With a Chapter on building a Bicycle from a Set of Parts

År: 1916

Forlag: Cassell and Company, LTD

Sted: London, New York, Toronto and Melbourne

Sider: 152

UDK: 629.118

With 79 Illustrations

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BUILDING A CYCLE 87 few of the wholesale houses will supply amateurs at all, and those who will charge a much higher price than is charged to the trade. To get over this difficulty, the Editor of this Handbook has made arrangements for a Wolver- hampton tradesman to supply readers with a selected set of fittings and all materials necessary to complete the machine at a charge of 30s. (In writing the Editor for the address, a stamped and addressed postcard should be enclosed.) All parts are machined and ready to fit together in the easiest possible manner, and are of the very best quality and all of absolutely standard pattern. The set comprises : Shells.—Bottom bracket machined If in. by If in. by 1 in. Top and bottom head lugs machined If in. by 1| in. Seat lug and stay-eyes machined If in. by If in. Top and bottom bridges machined. Fork crown and ends machined, standard D. Parts.—Spindle and head clip, pin and nut ; bracket cups ; cotters ; ball races (three) ; seat pillar, pin and nut ; head nut ; lamp bracket ; fork-end adjusters. All machined finished and heavily nickel-plated. Tubes.—Three body tubes, eight back-stay tubes, narrow back; one front-fork tube, screwed and slotted; head tube ; one pair of D-forks. Handle-bar and seat pillar finished and plated any shape. Chain wheel, cranks and cotters, four-claw pattern, forty-four to fifty-two teeth by f-in. Hubs drilled, less cog ; Westwood rims, drilled ; spokes and nipples, spokes cut and screwed ; pedals, rat-trap. All above finished and nickel-plated. Saddle, cork grips, and chain.