Panama-Canalen i 1912
Forfatter: C. P. O. Moltke
År: 1912
Forlag: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag
Sted: Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania
Sider: 137
UDK: 626.1-3 L (Amerika) TB Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000116
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Article VII.
The Republic of Panama grants to the United States within
the limits of the cities of Panama and Colon and their adjacent
harbors and within the territory adjacent thereto the right to ac-
quire by purchase or by the exercise of the right of eminent do-
main, any lands, buildings, water rights or other properties ne-
cessary and convenient for the construction, maintenance, opera-
tion and protection of the Canal and of any works of sanitation,
such as the collection and disposition of sewage and the distribu-
tion of water in the said cities of Panama and Colon, which, in
the discretion of the United States may be necessary and conve-
nient for the construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and
protection of the said Canal and railroad. All such works of sani-
tation, collection and disposition of sewage and distribution of water
in the cities of Panama and Colon shall be made at the expense
of the United States, and the Government of the United States,
its agents or nominees shall be authorized to impose and collect
water rates and sewerage rates which shall be sufficient to pro-
vide for the payment of interest and the amortization of the prin-
cipal of the cost of said works within a period of fifty years and
upon the expiration of said term of fifty years the system of se-
wers and water works shall revert to and become the properties
of the cities of Panama and Colon, respectively, and the use of
the water shall be free to the inhabitants of Panama and Colon,
except to the extent that water rates may be necessary for the
operation and maintenance of said system of sewers and water.
The Republic of Panama agrees that the cities of Panama and
Colon shall comply in perpetuity with the sanitary ordinances
whether of a preventive or curative character prescribed by the
United States and in case the Government of Panama is unable
or fails in its duty to enforce this compliance by the cities of Pa-
nama and Colon with the sanitary ordinances of the United States
the Republic of Panama grants to the United States the right and
authority to enforce the same.
The same right and authority are granted to the United States
for the maintenance of public order in the cities of Panama and