Panama-Canalen i 1912
Forfatter: C. P. O. Moltke
År: 1912
Forlag: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag
Sted: Kjøbenhavn og Kristiania
Sider: 137
UDK: 626.1-3 L (Amerika) TB Gl.
DOI: 10.48563/dtu-0000116
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Colon and the territories and harbors adjacent thereto in case the
Republic of Panama should not be, in the judgment of the United
States, able to maintain such order.
Article VIII.
The Republic of Panama grants to the United States all rights
which it now has or hereafter may acquire to the property of the
New Panama Canal Company and the Panama Railroad Company
as a result of the transfer of sovereignty from the Republic of
Colombia to the Republic of Panama over the Isthmus of Panama
and authorizes the New Panama Canal Company to sell and trans-
fer to the United States its rights, privileges properties and con-
cessions as well as the Panama Railroad and all the shares or
part of the shares of that company; but the public lands situated
outside of the Zone described in Article II of this treaty now in-
cluded in the concessions to both said enterprises and not requi-
red in the construction or operation of the Canal shall revert to
the Republic of Panama except any property now owned by or in
the possession of said companies within Panama or Colon or the
ports or terminals thereof.
Article IX.
The United States agrees that the ports at either entrance of
the Canal and the waters thereof, and the Republic of Panama
agrees that the towns of Panama and Colon shall be free for all
time so that there shall not be imposed or collected custom house
tolls, tonnage, anchorage, light-house, wharf, pilot, or quarantine
dues or any other charges or taxes of any kind upon any vessel
using or passing through the Canal or belonging to or employed
by the United States, directly or indirectly, in connection with the
construction, maintenance, operation, sanitation and protection of
the main Canal, or auxiliary works, or upon the cargo, officers,
crew or passengers of any such vessels, except such tolls and
charges as may be imposed by the United States for the use of
the Canal and other works, and except tolls and charges imposed
by the Republic of Panama upon merchandise destined to be in-
troduced for the consumption of the rest of the Republic of Pa-