Efficiency Methods
An Introduction to Scientific Management

Forfatter: A.D. McKillop, M. McKillop

År: 1917

Forlag: George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.

Sted: London

Sider: 215

UDK: 658.01. mac kil. gl

With 6 Illustrations.

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214 INDEX Ordering Level, 72 Pace-setter, 128 Parkhurst, F. A., 35, 81, 86, 143 Piece Rates, 126 seq. “ Piece-Rate System, A ” (article) 91, 125, 148 Pittsburgh, workers at, 157 Planning Department. See chap. iii. Premium-bonus System, 131 seq. Product, Standards of, 60 seq. Profit-sharing, 148 seq. Proud, Miss D., 151, 155, 195 Railroads, Scientific Management in, 210 Rate-cutting and Scientific Manage- ment, 181 “ Rational Basis for Wages, A ” (article), 129, 151 “ Red Tape,” 76 Redfield, W. C., 19 Remuneration. See chap. xiii. Repair boss, 54 Report on Art of Industrial Man- agement, 11 Schedule Time. See chap. xi. Schedule Work, 40 Schloss, D., 106, 127, 131, 137, 148 Scovell, C. H., 49 Shovelling, Motion-study on, 87 seq. Skilled workmen, use of, 189 Smart, W., 27, 171 Smith, C. Oberlin, 68 Society to Promote Science of Management, 205 “ Soldiering,” 130 Specialization, 175 seq. Specification, beginning of, 201 Specification Sheet, 31 seq., 42 Speed-boss, 54, 201 “ Speeding up,” 169 seq. Standard, 6, 60, 62 seq. Standard Deviation, 113 Standard Method, 95 Standard Rate, 180 Standard Task. See chap. xi. Standardization. See chap. vi. Steel, high-speed, 78 Sterling, Lt., 35 seq., 53 Stop-watch, 84, 199 Store-keeper, 72 seq. Stores Department. See chap. vii. Stores Ledger, 74 Symbols, use of, 66 Symbolic classification, 33 Tabor Manufacturing Co., 80, 143 seq., 209 Tag System, 74 Task, 104 seq. Task and Bonus, 126, 140 Taylor, Dr. F. W. As he is the originator of the methods, reference is constantly made to him throughout the text. Taylor Co-operators, the, 205 Taylor and Thompson, 47 seq., 56 Thompson, C. B., v., 21, 64 Thompson, Sanford E., 9, 107, 144, r79 Thompson, Time-stuay, 85 “ Tickler,” 34 Time-study. See chap. ix. Time-study, definition of, 6 Time-study, surreptitious, 84 Time-study and Trades Unions, 82 Time Wages, 126 Tool Department. See chap, viii Tool grinding, 78, 80 Tools, cutting, 78 Towne, H. R., 37, 209 Towne-Halsey System, 131 Trade Unions. See chap. xv. Transference of skill, 11 Type-writing and Motion-study, 93 Vocational guidance, 192 seq. Watertown Arsenal, 112, 178, 209 Watertown Arsenal, Time-study in, 94