En Samling Afhandlinger Om Veje 1876-1881

År: 1881

Sider: 428

UDK: 625.70

8 Pjecer.

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Side af 428 Forrige Næste
OUR ROADWAYS. 9 this pavement, more especially in the City of London, are most serious, and no endeavours to render the surface safe have proved successful; while the nu- merous accidents reported prove that whether the paving be wet or dry it is dangerous. In respect of wear, asphalte has proved emi- nently unsatisfactory, the condition of some of the principal thoroughfares in the City (notably Bishops- gate Street) being deplorable. The price of as- phalte varies considerably, it being expensive or cheap according to the proportion of natural bitumen used in its composition. From Mr. Haywood’s re- port it appears that the cost of asphalte, including the concrete foundation, which varies from 3 to 6 in., is 16s. per superficial yard; its duration was esti- mated by those who laid it at seventeen years, but we have now ample evidence to show that this period will not be even approximately reached by any of the pavements laid down. V hether laid by the dry powder or mastic process, a chilled surface is formed as the asphalte cools, which, when once worn through, crumbles away with rapidity. The only other description of pavement which need be considered, is that consisting of blocks of wood. This plan of paving the roadways was first, it appears, resorted to in London in 1839, when it was laid down in the Old Bailey. This pavement, however, consisted of large blocks laid upon the hap-hazard under surface of the roadway, and the result of the yj a cÄ