En Samling Afhandlinger Om Veje 1876-1881

År: 1881

Sider: 428

UDK: 625.70

8 Pjecer.

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Side af 428 Forrige Næste
 ■i.. 8 OUR ROADWAYS. repair and the never-ceasing scavenging required. In wet weather the mud from Macadamized streets, notwithstanding the utmost care in cleansing, be- comes intolerable, and in dry weather the dust is not less so. It follows, therefore, that Macadam as a material for roadways in a large city is condemned, not merely on account of the annoyance from dirt and dust, but especially on account of its great ex- pense. Asphalte Pavement has also been tried within the last few years, but while admirably adapted for foot- ways, it has been found to be objectionable in the roadways from one or two causes. First, although nearly as safe under certain conditions as granite, and much more free from noise, it speedily, save in very dry weather, becomes slippery, and is very- dangerous to horses. This being observed to be the case, it was decided in the City of London some years since not to lay asphalte down on a steeper gradient than 1 in 60, and on almost any gradient it cannot be considered as free from danger. Asphalte paving in its best form went far to remedy some of the evils of granite. It was first introduced in Paris, and in that city has given a certain amount of satisfaction, but in London, with its rapid traffic, it has become, owing to its slipperi- ness, most unpopular, and horse owners have joined with the public in proclaiming it unsuitable for street pavings. The daily sufferings of horses on