En Samling Afhandlinger Om Veje 1876-1881

År: 1881

Sider: 428

UDK: 625.70

8 Pjecer.

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Side af 428 Forrige Næste
OUB ROADWAYS. 17 notably, that of throwing off surface water, its homo- geneity and smoothness, so far from being an advan- tage, must render the pavement slippery, and conse- quently dangerous to horses. To render wood pave- ment safe, the joints must be wide enough to introduce some variety of structure affording a firm foothold for the horses; and most of the other systems of wood paving provide for this, the interstices between the blocks being filled with some material supposed to be the best for the purpose. Harrison’s system of Wood Paving, as yet untried, has some claims to notice. It will undoubtedly, like the Asphaltic Wood Pavement, be watertight; but whether the elasticity expected to be obtained by placing the blocks upon strips of wood will be an advantage or otherwise remains to be proved. The management of this system is in the hands of the Asphaltic Wood Pavement Company, so that the vestries will have an opportunity of forming an opinion as to its merits. The Ligno-Mineral system doubtless possesses the merit of great endurance, but this character is gained at the expense of safety, and on this account the pavement cannot be recommended. With regard to Henson's system, it may be observed that felt must no doubt render the foundation very elastic, not to say spongy, for whatsoever be the care employed in the preparation of such a substance as felt, it is impossible to destroy its absorbent power, B