En Samling Afhandlinger Om Veje 1876-1881

År: 1881

Sider: 428

UDK: 625.70

8 Pjecer.

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Side af 428 Forrige Næste
22 OUR ROADWAYS. “ we are to substitute wood for asphalte, let us by all “ means adopt a paving which, as near as possible, “ possesses this great desideratum. Does the wooden “ foundation possess it ? I think not. I can under- “ stand why wooden planking should be adopted on “ loose or made ground, but I see no reason why a “ firm, hard bottom should be given up, and a soft, “ yielding one substituted. But say some critics, “ ‘ We must have elasticity.’ My answer is, The “ wooden blocks are of themselves elastic, and no more “ is required.” Mr. Frederick Ashmead, C.E., Surveyor to the Corporation of Bristol, says, in a report issued in 1875 “ Although nearly twelve months have now elapsed “ since my last report on this subject, the general u appearance and surfaces of the pavements in Wine “ Street, Broad Street, and the Exchange, still con- “ tinue in much the same condition; nor has the “ portion of Wine Street (relaid by the Improved “ Wood Pavement Company) been much improved “ thereby, as the surface-water still finds its way “ through the joints, and a larger proportion of the “ blocks in this street are split or cracked, but the “ pavements of Broad Street and the Exchange “ appear to be wearing well, and are more rigid and “ firm, and free from the defects of the Wine Street “ pavement. This last paving has now been laid u about twenty-three months, and Broad Street and - the Exchange about seventeen months.