The Steam Injector
A theoretical and practical treatise on the design and operation of injectors and on the flow of fluids through and the design of nozzles.

Forfatter: V. A. B. Hughes

År: 1912

Forlag: The Technical Publishing Company Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 145

UDK: 621.176

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90 THE STEAM INJECTOR. In this case it will be søen that the ratio by wøight of steam to water is about 1 to 8. The efficiency of an injector from the point of view of the ratio of water to steam passing therethrough is affected by variations in the steam pressure and in the feed-water temperature. If tlie pressure of the steam entering an inijector in- creases wliilst the feed-water temperature remains un- changed, or if the pressure of the steam remains constiant whilst the feed-water temperature is increased, the tempera- ture of the mixture of steam and water is increased. The vacuum a.t the inlet end of tlie injector where tlie steam and water first meet is therefore impaired, and results in a reduction in the quantity of water flowing into the iniector wliilst maximum weight flow of the steam is maintained under all normal working conditions. In the following ta'ble the ratio by weight of water to steam is given for a typical example when the feecl-water temperature is constant and the steam pressure is varied: Tabie vin. Steam pressure, pounds per square inch absolute 40 65 Pounds of water per pound of steam .......... 28'5 20 90 140 215 17 14 11 The aibove results would be affeoted by variations in design of t-lie injector, in the lieight oæ lift, or the pressure head of .feed water, and must only be considered as typical. If the pressure of the steam and the temperature of the feed water inc-rease simultaneously, the ratio of water to steam will deorease more rapidly than if tlie one valne only were increasing. The effect of the lieight of suction lift or the pressure head of the incoming feed water will be appreciated from the velocity equation for the said water, whioh is V = 8’025 ^/head in feet; where V denotes velocity in feet pér second. If the difference between atmospheric pressure and tlie pressure at tlie entrance to the combining nozzle be taken as 10 Ibs.