The Steam Injector
A theoretical and practical treatise on the design and operation of injectors and on the flow of fluids through and the design of nozzles.

Forfatter: V. A. B. Hughes

År: 1912

Forlag: The Technical Publishing Company Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 145

UDK: 621.176

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P R E F A C !•} The construction of steam injectors has in recent years been brought to a high State of perfection, and tho principles under- lying the operation of the apparatus under various conditions have been more accurately understood. The literature devoted to the subject of steam injectors is, with one or two exceptions, of a very perfunctory character; the few works that have been issued do not appear to constitute such a thorough and systematic treatise as will enable the reader to appreciate the reasons for the various details in. the design of the apparatus. Thus, the overflow arrangements and also the water control arrangements of injectors have to a large extent been treated as if they played but a very insignificant part in determining the success of the apparatus, whereas the former are of tho utmost importance, and are practically the sole features which, in the hånds of the inventor and manufacturer, have rendered possible the excellent results now obtainable. The treatment liere adopted is in many respects thought to be original, and to open out the possibilities and probabilities of a difficult subject in a way not previously attempted. The author has to acknowledge his great indebtedness to Mr. Edward C. R. Marks, A.M.I.C.E., for the facilities generously placed at his disposal for the preparation of the numerous drawings here reproduced, to Mr. J. D. Morgan, A.M.I.C.E., A.I.E.E., for kindly reading through the draft of the matter, and also to the numerous makers for the loan of blocks or the supply of particulars relative to their productions. V. A. B. H. Manchester, 1912.