The Steam Injector
A theoretical and practical treatise on the design and operation of injectors and on the flow of fluids through and the design of nozzles.

Forfatter: V. A. B. Hughes

År: 1912

Forlag: The Technical Publishing Company Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 145

UDK: 621.176

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126 THE STEAM INJECTOR. (15) What is the difference in the requirements as to overflow arrangements between an injector working with cold feed water and one working with liot feed water and high-pressure steam ? Describe an arrangement of over- flow apparatus suitable for the latter injector. (16) Why is the pressure in the clelivery chamber of an injector not entirely satisfactory for loading the overflow valves1? Describe a method of neutralising the disadvan- tages of the use of such pressure for such purpose. (17) Discuss the requirements of injector overflow arrangements. (18) What is the effect of varying the pressure of the steam entering an injector whilst maintaining the supply of water and the water temperature constant? Discuss the matter in all its bearings. (19) Describe a means for automatically varying the water supply to an injector to suit requirements, and set out the principle on which it is baseel. (20) What is an adjustable injector? Describe and sketch one form of same. (21) What is a “ one-movement ” injector. Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of controlling the water supply of an injector by («) moving the steam nozzle, (b) moving the combining nozzle, (c) water valves external to the injector. (22) How is the velocity of discharge of steam affeeted by the presence of moisture in the steam ? Give a velocity formula, and make one or more calculations to show the effect you set out. (23) Give a general formula, based upon the pressure and volume of a fluid before and after discharge and upon a coefficient, for calculating the velocity of discharge of a fluid. What is the valuc of the coefficient for (å) dry saturated steam, (6) superheated steam, and (c) air, all expanding adiabatically. (24) What is meant by the expression <r maximum weight flow of steam”? Fully describe the phenomenon, and discuss the conditions neoessary to obtain same. (25) Calculate the weight of steam disoharged per