The Steam Injector
A theoretical and practical treatise on the design and operation of injectors and on the flow of fluids through and the design of nozzles.

Forfatter: V. A. B. Hughes

År: 1912

Forlag: The Technical Publishing Company Limited

Sted: London

Sider: 145

UDK: 621.176

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Schaffer S Budenberg Whitworth Street, MANCHESTER. Ltd. 77a, Queen Victoria St., LONDON, E.C. 5, Wellington St., GLASGOW. Suction Delivery PERFECT Re-starting Injector This injector conibines the aclvantages of the greatest simplicity of manipulation and the highest efficiency of working. One single niovement of the handle suffices to stait the Injector under all ordinary conditionsof working and ne other regulation whatever is required. In case of interruption of the steam or water supply the injector will re-start automatically when the supply is restored. EXTREME - SIMPLICITY of - - - Manipulation Over 150,000 invse HIGH SUCTION POWER and suitable for high lifts. WILL TAKE THE HIGHEST FEED WATER TEMPERATURES. Overflow Re-starts promptlv without loss of water through overflow. Also makersof Pressure Vacuum and Hydraulic Gauges for all purposes, Iron and Steel Stop Valves with patent mc e seats for high pressures and superheated steam, Injectors, Indicators, The rmometers, Pyrometers. Lubricators, Recording Tachometers, Gauges and Thermometers, and every description of High-Class Engine and Boiler Mountings